Our focus is to empower orphans and vulnerable children through education
Our focus is to empower orphans and vulnerable children through access to education with fees paid directly to schools. You can help us by providing school fees to new equipment to support learning. You could also help strengthen the teachers’ skills with additional training or deploy technology into schools to give them opportunities to learn digital skills.
You could also provide a bursary/scholarship to fund gifted students to attend higher education, or help children find work after education through provision of practical and vocational workshops.
Our Projects
Feeding, Clean Water, Sanitation

Our focus is to empower through access to educationOur focus is to empower orphans and vulnerable children through access to education with fees paid directly to schools. You can help us by providing school fees to new equipment to support learning. You could also help strengthen the teachers’ skills with additional training or deploy technology into schools to give them opportunities to learn digital skills.
You could also provide a bursary/scholarship to fund gifted students to attend higher education, or help children find work after education through provision of practical and vocational workshops.

Children regularly come to school hungryChildren regularly come to school on an empty stomach, which not only affects their long term health and development, but also means they struggle to concentrate in class, affecting their ability to excel at school and their long term opportunities.
£1 can feed 1 child for one week. By helping to fund a feeding program at a rural primary school for a year, you will provide all children with a daily breakfast of porridge and a nutritious maize based drink, called Maheu. Like Mother Teresa once said, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one”.

Clean Water
The provision of access to clean water is criticalRecent droughts throughout Southern Africa have made the provision of access to clean water even more critical.
We have provided access to clean water to rural schools by drilling a borehole and by installing a rainwater harvesting system, where a classroom building is fitted with guttering, pipes and a tank to allow the capture and storage of rainwater.
By providing a source of clean water at a rural school, you will be giving children a precious and life giving commodity. Recent droughts throughout Southern Africa have made the provision of access to clean water even more critical.
Many girls miss school due to being on their periodGirls miss up to 528 days of school due to being on their periods in Zimbabwe. Girls do not have any proper period provision, meaning they often miss school when they are on their periods due to fear of leaking and then causing embarrassment. This means they often have lower attendance than boys and therefore get lower grades overall, preventing them from being able to continue advancing in their education.
1 sanitation pack, which contains 7 reusable pads costs just £35, this will last a girl two years meaning she can continue attending school.
Our Impact
And How Your Donation Helps
Success Stories
We met Constance when she was 10 years old, attending one of our sponsored schools in Mutare. She was in Grade 5 at Chitakatira Primary, enjoying education. Sadly, tragedy struck one day when she was hit by a car on her way to church.
After an agonising wait, it was decided by medical professionals that it was necessary to amputate her right leg. Despite this, she remained determined to go back to school and continue her education. Following a successful operation and a 40-day stay in hospital, the family sourced a second-hand set of adult crutches that enabled Constance to regain some level of normality.
At such a young age and a mere 5 months after her accident, we were completely taken aback by Constance’s determination and resilience. Unlike in the UK, Constance would not have experienced the luxury of free healthcare, like we would in the NHS. This meant Constance’s family were struggling to pay for her hospital fees, as well as provide for the rest of the family and pay the school fees.
Like many families in the area, they relied on farming as a source of income, and a debt of $1,183 to Mutare Hospital was far more than they could afford to pay. Horrifically, the British driver that caused the accident reassured the local police she would pay all of Constance’s medical bills, but to this date she has only paid the family a pitiful $50.
With help from our wonderful sponsors, our team at Creating Better Futures was able to step in and help. We became aware that Constance and her mother had attended a consultation at Parirenyatwa Hospital Harare for a prosthetic leg.
We were able to provide a donation of over $600 to give Constance the prosthetic leg she desperately needed. The smile on Constance’s face is one of bravery and determination despite this affecting her everyday life. We are so grateful to everyone that has helped Constance get back on track!