We have put this list of virtual fundraising ideas together because of coronavirus. Coronavirus has changed everything for Creating Better Futures. In Zimbabwe, schools have closed and we are now delivering meal packages to the families at risk of going without food. In the UK, our team continue to work from home. We have cancelled our traditional fundraising events due to rules on social gatherings, but keep working to support our appeal.
For all this change, one thing remains… your willingness to make a difference.
We have received a lot of contact from supporters who want to do something but aren’t sure what they can do in the current climate. To make this easier, we have come up with a short list of virtual fundraising ideas. All these challenges are compatible with social distancing and isolation measures. They range in difficulty and commitment required so hopefully you can find something that suits you.
Please read on and get in touch if you see something you like. We can help you to organise, promote and share your challenge.

Creating Better Futures’ Virtual Fundraising Ideas
Personal Fundraiser: shave your head
Many people in Zimbabwe, including women, keep their hair short because of the heat.
We don’t know when hairdressers will open, so why not raise some money and do it yourself?
Social Media Fundraiser: Facebook birthday celebration
It looks like big birthday celebrations are on hold for a while. But that doesn’t mean you can’t mark your day by making a difference. Start a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser and celebrate with your friends and family. You might even get a personal message of thanks from the children in Zim!
Working from Home Fundraiser: donate your commute
In 2019 Lloyds Bank found that the average Briton spends around £800 on commuting each year. Many of us have saved a lot once we started working from home.
You could make a huge difference by donating some of these savings to our appeal. The saving’s from a week’s travel could feed a family in Zimbabwe for two!
Family Fundraiser: water walk
Think about how often we use water. We use it to clean ourselves and our clothes. We use it to drink and prepare our food. There are also times when we use it without realising: when we go to the toilet or to grow plants in the garden.
In Zimbabwe most families live without running water so they have to collect it from a pump. The average child will walk 45 minutes every day, carrying a gallon of water (weighing 4 kilograms).
This challenge raises awareness for the children collecting water every day. All you need to do is spend some time doing laps of your garden whilst carrying a bucket of water. This challenge gives a real insight into the lives of the children. It demonstrates the obstacles they face to access something as basic as water.
Business Fundraiser: run a session for your clients or with your staff
There are some amazingly talented, creative and innovative people in the CBF community. If you are in a position to do so you could put on a session for your clients. You could also hold a fundraiser among your team.
Local businesses have already made a HUGE difference to our coronavirus appeal. Rossella Kench ran belly dance classes whilst Elite Conditioning and Orchard Life Yoga held exercise classes on Zoom. Friendtex Fashion and House of Colour are hosting a Fashion Show in June. We will be partnering with Bestlife Basics to complete the Million Step Challenge between August and October.
This is also an opportunity to introduce your business to our supporters. Please get in touch to find out more about collaborating with us!
Harder Personal Fundraiser: “Climb” Kilimanjaro from your home
Usually, we would love a trip to Africa’s highest mountain. But sadly we’re not expecting to be there for a while. Instead, we have got the next best thing: climbing the equivalent height on the stairs in your home. You would need to climb 2500 flights of stairs to equal the 5895m ascent. A harness is optional!
Ultimate Fundraiser: recreate Dorothy’s journey
Finally we arrive at our biggest challenge: recreating Dorothy’s journey. Dorothy was born and raised in Zimbabwe but moved to Reading in her pursuit of education. From here, she founded Creating Better Futures and began to help children in the position where she had once been.
We want you to celebrate Dorothy’s achievements by getting on your bike and recreating the 5150 mile journey from Domboshawa, Zimbabwe, to our office in Reading.
This is a huge challenge and we wouldn’t want you to do it alone. Get yourself a team of friends or colleagues and get fit. Here are some of the ways for your team to collectively complete the 5150 mile ride:
- Get your office to start cycling to work. Complete the distance together as you commute over the following weeks. You will also be doing your bit for the planet.
- Join a group of friends for three longer leisurely rides every week.
- Gather a team of experienced cyclists and break the distance into 50-60 mile sessions.
This is a bigger, longer and harder challenge, but would definitely be worth it!
Do you have any other virtual fundraising ideas?
We have put together an A-Z of fundraising ideas to help you even more. Please get in touch with any ideas of your own!
Make sure you check out our social media pages for upcoming events and to see what our supporters are doing.