Dorothy’s Challenge – Well Giving 2022
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our first fundraiser of 2022! We have partnered with the wonderful team at WellGiving to bring you a fitness challenge like no other. As many of you know, our CEO Dorothy Dix was born in Zimbabwe and set up Creating Better Futures in Reading in 2012 to give back the gift of education that she was given. How can you help? Well, we want you to help us virtually recreate that journey! Don’t worry it is only 5,149 miles…
All you have to do is head over to WellGiving, sign up and get tracking! Whether you walk, run, cycle, swim or simply practice five minutes of yoga in the evening, any and all exercise counts! More importantly, it will contribute to changing the lives of the children we support in Zimbabwe.
We’re nearly 3 weeks into the challenge and we have hit 3% of our 5,149-mile target! Okay, 3% doesn’t sound a lot, but that’s 186.12 miles and 2,449 minutes of exercise! A huge thank you to all of our supporters who’ve got involved so far.

Can you help us on our journey from Zimbabwe to Reading? It’s just a £15 donation to join in!
How do I get involved?
How do I get involved?

We are not asking you to personally walk the 5149 miles that it takes to get from Reading to Domboshawa…unless you want to of course! To get involved, simply head to to sign up. There’s a registration fee of £15 (or £5 if you are a student!) which is donated directly to CBF. You’ll then be asked to link up your Strava or Fitbit account. If you don’t have one of these, don’t worry! Simply add your activity manually. We have until April to reach our goal, so let’s get going!
Where will your money go?
Where will your money go?

As you know, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a detrimental impact on small charities like ours. With the new Omicron variant causing further devastation and disruption to the lives of the vulnerable in Zimbabwe, we have hope this event has the potential to relieve some of it’s affects. Make every step count by getting involved in our 2022 challenge – your £15 could feed 15 children for a week!
What is WellGiving?
What is WellGiving?
WellGiving is a platform that allows charities to track activity whilst earning money for a vital cause. We set up Dorothy’s Challenge with WellGiving because it allows us to track our progress on our journey from Zimbabwe to Reading! It gives us the opportunity to utilise features such as linking up fitness apps, creating a leaderboard and calculating miles which makes tracking individual and group progress super easy.
We are thrilled be using the well giving platform to help make this journey even more accessible and fun for everyone!

Want to access a discount code?
Want to access a discount code?
Get 20% off when you fill in this survey!
How to get 20% off ...
If you could spare 5 minutes of your time to fill out this survey regarding our social media marketing you will get 20% off the registration fee of Dorothy’s Challenge, making it just £12!
We’re super keen to hear your opinions on the way we communicate with you – simply fill in the form below to get a 20% off code ⬇️
Fundraiser sign-up:
Access our Student Discount Code!
Use the below code to get a student discount!
Are you a student and wanting to take part in Dorothy’s Journey? Or perhaps you know some young people that would be interested in getting on board and raising some money for a good cause? We are offering a student discount code that makes registration fees for students only £5 !!!
All you have to enter is this code: CBFSTUDENT5
Fundraiser sign-up:
Want to go the extra mile?
Want to go the extra mile?
Why not set up a JustGiving page so that your family and friends can sponsor you along your journey? It only takes a few minutes to set up and our team are happy to help with any queries you have, just get in touch here.
Fancy a bit of friendly competition? Why not get your family and friends involved and compete against each other to see who can do the most activity over the three months, there’s even a leaderboard you can use to keep track of who is in the lead!
So what are you waiting for? Let’s start tracking those miles! We hope you decide to join our challenge and help us create better futures together. See you on the leaderboard!